4 Workout Routines to Help You Maintain Your Pregnancy Fitness

August 04, 2021

It is of crucial importance that an expectant mother gets at least 30 minutes of exercise daily to ensure the health of the newborn. Here are 4 pregnancy exercise routines to help you and your little one get moving.


Swimming is the most suitable form of exercise for expectant mothers. The buoyancy in the pool helps the mother feel light and relieves nausea, swollen ankles and helps the mother feel refreshed. The mother however, needs to avoid diving and should gently step into the pool through a set of steps. Fast strokes and movements can be avoided if possible.


This is the easiest form of exercise. All a pregnant mom needs to do is to get three ten minute walks in a day under her belt for her health to improve.The walking should be carried out at a moderate pace.

Indoor Cycling:

Cycling helps you keep fit while simultaneously reducing the load on your knees and ankles. This exercise is particularly suited for women who struggle to walk or jog on a daily basis.


Pregnancy is the right time to shake it up with your buddies. Engage in a daily session of zumba to help you become fitter.

If you feel discomfort, or have any questions kindly consult your doctor before beginning the exercise routine.