Fitness During Pregnancy: What You Can do

September 04, 2021

One question that many expectant mother’s have is ‘Is it safe to engage in exercise and sports during pregnancy?’

The answer to this question differs from one mother to the other. In general, mother’s who have been active and fit before pregnancy should aim to get the same amount of exercise. However, to rule out possible complications, the expectant mother should discuss her exercise routine with the obstetrician.

Here are some do’s and don'ts on fitness during pregnancy:

  1. Every expectant mother should aim to get at least 180 minutes of exercise on a weekly basis. That implies 30 minutes of exercise on a daily basis.
  2. The exercise should preferably be of mild to moderate intensity. Walking in a mild form of exercise that can be undertaken through the pregnancy.
  3. You need to consult your obstetrician before commencing heavy or high-intensity exercises such as weights exercises and cycling etc.
  4. Contact sports are to be avoided through the pregnancy.
  5. No matter what, the expectant mother should not lose weight during the pregnancy. If weight loss is experienced, the expectant mother should immediately halt the exercise and consult their obstetrician.

Exercise during pregnancy is found to improve the mother’s health. Being active can help the mother feel happier, fitter and more confident.

 Have a happy,healthy and active.pregnancy.