Importance of breastfeeding for both Mother and the Baby

March 03, 2022

Breastfeeding involves the process of feeding your baby with breast milk. It is purely the mother’s decision to either breastfeed the child or not. However, breastfeeding is very helpful for both mother and baby during the childbirth phase. Firstly, it connects the baby with their mother. Secondly, breast milk has various nutritious benefits for the infant. It eliminates several risk factors for your baby.


Benefits of Breastfeeding for Babies –


Breast milk is the ideal intake for newborns. It is rich in nutrition and is the perfect blend of vitamins, proteins, and fat that your child will ever require. In case the baby falls sick due to any reason, breast milk also generates antibodies to cure the health issues caused by bacteria and viruses. Breast milk is formulated such that it is easily digested by the infant.


Breastfeeding reduces the risk of asthma and allergies. Doctors suggest exclusively breastfeeding the babies for 6 months, these babies have a fewer risk for ear infections, respiratory infections, diarrhoea, and much more.

Some studies show that the Breastfeed child has higher IQ scores compared to the formula-fed child. They also gain an adequate amount of weight rather than being an overweight child fed through formula. Breastfeeding also prevents SIDS – sudden infant death syndrome

Apart from this, it reduces the risk of obesity, diabetes, and some certain cancer too.

Majorly, the Breastfeeding routine enhances physical closeness, eye contact, skin to skin touch and gives a secure feeling to your child.