Irregular Periods and their causes

April 02, 2022

Every woman is one-of-a-kind, and so is her physique. The menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman; on average, a menstrual cycle lasts from 24 and 38 days. Periods typically range from 2 to 8 days in length. This menstrual cycle and periods lasting a certain amount of time are considered typical. If your menstrual cycle does not meet these requirements, you have irregular periods.

The following situation also falls under irregular periods –

  • The time phase between each cycle keeps changing.
  • The blood flow in each menstrual cycle varies every month
  • You lose less blood or too much blood in all the menstrual cycles.

Causes of irregular periods –

Period irregularities are caused by hormonal fluctuations in the body's estrogen and progesterone levels. In general, girls beginning puberty and women going through menopause have irregular periods. Other causes of irregular periods include excessive exercise, PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome), stress, pregnancy, breastfeeding, birth control medications, an overactive thyroid, uterine fibroids, and thickening of polyps on the uterine walls.

During the first few days following childbirth, it is normal to have irregular periods while breastfeeding. During the first month of pregnancy, there should be no periods or spotting. As a result, medicine is not required in either scenario. In the case of the other specified causes, a doctor's consultation and medicine are required to manage hormones and return periods to normal.

Having a regular menstrual cycle eases the conceiving process, hence it is important to maintain a regular period cycle, especially while trying to conceive.