Menopause and its sign
February 04, 2022Menopause marks the end of the menstrual cycle. A woman's menopause is confirmed when she goes without a menstrual cycle for a year. It is a natural biological process that hits all women at different ages based on their health and diet. It generally varies between the ages of 40s to 50s.
Some women require no treatment while undergoing menopause. Some women face severe symptoms while some face mild treatment. Based on the severity, treatment is required to control and manage the symptoms.
Some of the body of the sign is undergoing menopause are –
Change in periods –
This is the first change that occurs while undergoing menopause. The menstrual cycle will no longer be regular. It may happen within every 15-20 days, it may bleed heavily, spotting frequently, periods lasting more than a week, periods resume after no bleeding at any point of time throughout the year.
Hot Flashes –
Due to changes in estrogens levels in the body, many women face hot flashes. These hot flashes may last for many years even after menopause. A hot flash is a sudden rise in heat in the upper part of the body. Due to excessive heat, blotches may appear on the chest, face, arms, back, and neck. These hot flashes may occur for 30 seconds and may last 10 minutes. It can occur frequently in some and rarely in some based on the body type.
Other Signs of Menopause –
- A loss of bladder control during exercise, sneezing, laughing, etc.
- Sleep routine is disturbed, difficulty in falling asleep, waking up early are some of the signs.
- After menopause, some may lose interest in sexual intercourse, while some may enjoy it more due to freedom from pregnancy.
- Stress, irritation, mood swings, tiredness followed by depression (in case of family history) occurs during menopause.
- Fat loss or gain may occur in some people. The skin becomes thinner, joint and muscle problems may persist, and hormonal changes also affect behaviour.
To manage severe symptoms, it is important to consult a doctor.