The Top Five Factors That Influence a Woman’s Fertility

July 08, 2021
  • Age: A woman is most fertile between the ages of 20 and 35. Beyond the age of 35, fertility begins to dwindle and the woman’s chance of having complications in delivery or being unable to conceive decreases.
  • Genetics: As much as we would like to ignore our ancestry, it does have a crucial role to play in our lives. If one has a parent, sibling or any other close blood-relative has fertility issues, then the chance of inheriting infertility is sadly quite high.
  • Hormones: Our hormones influence our fertility cycles and make us more prone to being infertile. To mitigate this one should consume healthy foods, take vitamin supplements of necessary and seek therapy.
  • Medical History: Certain diseases and conditions increase one’s propensity to develop infertility issues either temporarily or in the long run. Some conditions such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and reproductive disorders can cause permanent infertility. Most types of cancer do not directly influence fertility, but one of the side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy is the loss of fertility.
  • Lifestyle: 10% of infertility is attributed to lifestyle conditions such as obesity and high cholesterol levels. Similarly poor lifestyle can also trigger endometriosis and other conditions that may in turn lead to infertility.

The loss of fertility may be either temporary or permanent. Being aware of the risk factors and taking appropriate action goes a long way in treating fertility.