Way to increase the chances of Normal delivery?

July 02, 2022


Every woman prefers to have a normal delivery. This is a very exciting and perplexing phase of a women’s life where she enjoys every moment with nervousness and happiness. Along with this, a woman also has to prepare for labor and post-delivery challenges.


Here are some tips that a woman can follow to increase the chances of normal delivery –

  • Keep moving throughout your pregnancy. Bed rest reduces the likelihood of a normal vaginal delivery.
  • Maintain a regular appointment and follow up with your doctor.
  • Exercise regularly, as directed by your doctor and physiotherapist.
  • Consume healthful foods and avoid gaining excessive weight; eat well and keep fit.
  • To have smooth and quick labor, use painless labor and ball exercises.          
  • Attend ANC classes- they will teach you the steps of labor, boost your confidence, and prepare you for what to expect during labor.
  • Don't make a regular birth your main goal; instead, strive for a healthy baby and a healthy mother. Even if you have to have a cesarean section, you should not be depressed.
  • If you have a breech baby, work with your doctor and therapist to develop a plan for turning your baby.
  • The key is relaxation; the mother is nervous, and the odds are decreasing; therefore, begin meditating and remain calm.


Because every pregnancy is unique, comparing one's personal experience to another is not advisable. It is usually advisable to consult your obstetrician before beginning any physically demanding exercise.